Saturday 25 August 2012

Siteworks Update

We are heading into our fifth and final week of siteworks so I thought it was time to share some photos of our progress. In the siteworks photo album I have included photos of the rock breaker at work, the sand pad for the man shed, our beautiful retaining wall and lots and lots of sand!

We are very happy with the progress so far, looking forward to slab down next month!


  1. 5 weeks?? Doesn't seem like that long! Looks amazing. And I reckon your blackboys look like a pretty great feature where they are!

    1. Yup, it's been 5 weeks already - they started on 23 July 2012!! How time flies...
      I'm stoked that the black boys are still alive, apparently they are very sensitive when replanted. Hopefully if I keep watering them they will survive *fingers crossed*
