Tuesday 23 October 2012

Brickwork finished, now on with the roof!

Well our awesome brickies finished yesterday, sooner than expected too! Caught our equally awesome SS on site this morning and had to let him know how happy we were with them. They were the hardest working tradies I've ever seen, there from the crack of dawn until late afternoon with a 2 hour round trip thrown in too. They were friendly, cleaned up after themselves - did not leave behind a single crumb - and their workmanship looks to be perfect. If you guys are reading this, THANK YOU!!

So today I also saw that the walls have been chased for the power points and light switches. Our SS said he has organised for the render at the front to be done tomorrow and the roofies are scheduled to start on Friday. In 2 weeks time our roof will be on!! Stoked!! Can't wait to see how all our external colours turn out.

The brickwork photos have all been uploaded now, enjoy :)